The Debbie Zone

Is every decision a major decision? Why do we struggle with things as if they are life or death? Should I? Or shouldn’t I? I don’t know about you, but I find that I struggle with making decisions. Especially when...
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I wear a blue tutu, white tights and ballet slippers sprayed with silver paint. Mom and Dad sit in the darkened school auditorium. I run onto the stage with the other little girls and take my position. I stand in...
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This past weekend, Robert and I decided to go kayaking at North Park Lake. Robert had never been kayaking before. And it has been at least 10 years since I tried it. Kayaking is a popular summer sport here in...
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I remember you teaching me to ride a bike, taking the training wheels off when I was ready. I remember you picking me up when I fell. I remember you taking me to Keystone Lake and teaching me how to...
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It’s Tuesday evening. I’m sitting in my hotel room in the middle of Cosenzo, Italy. This is the first time since I arrived that we are in a city setting. It seems a dream that I woke up this morning...
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After 17 years of marriage, I found myself divorced. It was my idea to divorce. But I had never really been on my own. Did living alone mean I had to be lonely? I started watching TV to escape the...
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It’s Saturday afternoon. I will fly out of the Pittsburgh Airport in less than 72 hours. I can’t believe my trip back to Calabria is coming up so quickly! Everyone keeps asking if I’m ready. It’s so hard to explain...
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We all make choices every day. What to eat? What to do with our time? What to do with our money? It may sometimes feel like you don’t really have choices, but the reality is that you do. Some people...
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Rushing here. Rushing there. Rushing everywhere. Shop online and deliver to my door. Two days is good. Tomorrow is better. Now would be perfect. Fast food, frozen food, packaged food, prepared food. What is quickest? Run the yellow light. Run...
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Even though we all act outraged whenever there is some type of bigotry aimed at people who we identify with and or care about, we are all guilty of bigotry at some point in our life. You cannot legislate to...
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