The Debbie Zone

2019 has come and gone – the end of a decade. Like every other year, some good and some bad. Things that will be remembered forever. And things that have already been forgotten. I remember a time not so long...
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What does Christmas mean to me? The sights and smells are distinct. Different from the rest of the year.   Buying a tree from a local vendor, so many to choose from, and the joy of finding just the right...
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Grandma and I shared a bedroom. I loved my Grandma and didn’t mind sharing a room with her. We slept together in the queen-sized bed. There was a toilet in what must have been a closet at one time. And...
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I attended school at the small red brick schoolhouse The one across the street from my house Each grade was held in a different classroom My third-grade teacher was Mrs. Smith I didn’t know Mrs. Smith before the third-grade But...
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I’ve always loved the carousel With the brightly colored horses going up and down on the poles As the platform slowly turns in circles The exhilaration of my pony galloping around with all the others The calliope blasting music So...
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She took the money because her wants have no boundaries. She took the money because she feels she is entitled to everything. She took the money because she was the adult and I was the child. She took the money...
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There was another mass shooting last night. Another random act that defies reason. Defies logic. An act that fills our hearts with dread. With fear. With outrage. With questions. These random shootings are increasing in frequency. In Pittsburgh, we’ve seen...
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I was graced with blonde curly hair. The kind of hair that curls in unexpected ways. The kind or hair that resists being tamed. The kind of hair that gets frizzy and kinky in the humidity. The kind of hair...
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In 1978, Bob Seger wrote the song “Feel Like a Number”. In it, he talks about how insignificant he feels in all aspects of life. His refrain shouts out “I’m not a number. Dammit, I’m a man!”. Those lyrics still...
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I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted from all the bickering and fighting over politics. And I’m exhausted from all the angry bitter posts on social media. And I’m frustrated that if I post something in response to a...
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