Posts filed under: Cats

The house is quiet and empty now There are no more little squeaky meows No more ting-ting-ting as you test the water bowl with your paw before drinking No more purrs when your chin is scratched I think back to...
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My beautiful Chi Chi’s last chapter has been written. There will be no new Chi Chi stories to tell. The long, tall, sleek, black and white tuxedo cat lives no more. Chi Chi with the little white beauty spot on...
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We had so little free time during our workshop in Italy. Between the workshops, the excursions, and the incredible meals, we were a very active group. So finding an afternoon free was a welcome respite. The sun was shining and...
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Ariel is a long-haired blonde cat. She’s very pretty and everyone always fawns over her. Sometimes I think she knows how pretty she is. I’ve commented that Ariel wants to be a movie star. One of the bosses I had...
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My current kitties…Chi Chi & Ariel....
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