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When I travel, I enjoy experiencing the different ways that people live, eat, shop, and worship. I have a curiosity about architecture and history that I often indulge during my travels. I have found that churches and cathedrals vary in different parts of the world and are fascinating to tour.

When visiting Lima, the capital of Peru, I was fortunate to tour the Basilica Cathedral of Lima. This is a Roman Catholic Cathedral located in the Plaza Mayor in downtown Lima. Construction began in 1535 and it was officially opened in 1649. There have been multiple earthquakes which damaged the Cathedral, resulting in rebuilding after each.
It is almost impossible to describe the interior of the Cathedral. It is huge, with fourteen side chapels built with different themes. And many were created with exotic woods and other materials. The amount of gold leaf and gold plating is incredible. The entire main alter is gold plated.

We were fortunate to have a tour guide that related the history of the cathedral along with interesting anecdotes concerning the workers who built the cathedral. For instance, the choir seats are hand carved. And while the design would have been created by an architect from Spain, the locals were hired to do the actual work. The intricacies of the carvings are incredible.

We spent quite a bit of time inside the Cathedral where we were permitted to wander around, take photos, and stare in awe at everything.
Across the street from the Cathedral are the Catacombs where you can literally walk through where the bones of hundreds of people have been found. I found it a little odd because the bones had been sorted and categorized. For instance, stacks of skulls, femurs, etc. I didn’t think it was frightening or creepy. Instead, I was fascinated by the history held within the walls.

Both the Basilica Cathedral of Lima and the Catacombs are recommended if visiting Lima. It is possible to tour them without a guide, but to really learn the history and truly understand, it is advisable to have a guide.