The tree is decorated – colorful balls peeking out between strands of silvery tinsel

The miniature train tracks run in circles around the trunk of the tree

Gaily wrapped presents in all sizes and colors piled around the room

The scent of spaghetti sauce mingles with the distinct smell of fried fish, shrimp, and smelts

The fried cauliflower battered and cooked in butter and broccoli cooked with garlic and butter

Bottles of wine, whiskey and rum set out on the sideboard

The Christmas Eve feast awaits

Generations of Aunts and Uncles and cousins gather together in celebration

Food and wine are shared, the conversation lively and spirited

Stories shared of family and friends both near and far

Those still with us and those that are gone

Children and adults all look forward to Cookies and Torrones

Sitting and talking and watching the children gleefully open presents

Torn wrapping paper scattered throughout the room

Too soon, the evening winds down

Coats are donned, gifts are gathered up and extended goodbyes are said

Hugs and kisses and repeated exclamations of “Merry Christmas” begin

Making rounds to not miss anyone on the way out the door

Another Christmas Eve has come and gone

I miss those Christmas Eve celebrations with my extended family

The family is scattered and so many are gone forever from this earth

The celebrations are different now

We each replicate some small part of the past

Time marches onward and change is inevitable

But my memories will last a lifetime