I walk though the quiet woods, the pristine white snow lit only by moon light. I make no noise as I walk, the sound deadened by the fresh snowfall.  It seems everything is asleep in this secret spot where there are no cars, no bikes, no people. I am alone with my quiet thoughts and the breathtaking beauty of the woods asleep at night under a fluffy white blanket.

A rabbit jumps out of the woods and runs across the path in front of me. The sudden movement stops me in my tracks and I am reminded that I am the visitor here. The woods belong to the animals. They allow me to visit and for that I am grateful.

Snow lays on the trees dampening any outside sound from intruding on my solitude. I stop and listen to the silence. The peaceful unbroken silence. Soon the birds and animals will awaken and their sounds will fill the woods. Other tracks will cross my lone footprints as deer, rabbits, and squirrels search for food. The birds will land on tree limbs and the snow will scatter to the ground below. The sun will come out. Movement and sound will return to this spot.

But for now it is my private sanctuary where I can be alone with my silent thoughts.