I’m seeing more and more articles about mandatory courses that are going to be required in K-12 schools as well as universities. Courses on diversity, racism, etc. I don’t like the sweeping generalities that are being proposed and they often go overboard and create more division instead of a coming together of people. There is an old saying that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. While I would like to believe that the intent of the courses is to make things better, it doesn’t usually work that way.

Perhaps instead, we should step back and think about how every parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, minister, neighbor – in fact every single human – can step in to teach our children right from wrong. I’m not saying that the teachers don’t have a role in this. They too are role models for children and should reinforce the same values that the children are being taught at home.

We should teach them that every living thing matters. Every living thing feels pain and needs love. Every person is important and deserves respect. Its time to stop the selfish, self-centered mentality that pervades our society and teach compassion, empathy and generosity.

Its time to come back together as families, church families and communities. Its time to stop valuing things and start valuing people. Its time to stop teaching hatred and start teaching love. Its time to stop calling people and groups names and start treating them the way we would want to be treated.

Its time that we lead by example. Instead of insisting that someone else treat you a certain way, try reversing it and treating every single person you meet with respect. That includes the cashier at the store, the wait staff at the restaurant, police officers, teachers, and people who you disagree with politically.

I say we take the Mr. Rogers approach to life. What could it hurt to try? You’ll feel better about yourself because you are being nice to other people. And you just might be surprised by how many people are nice in return.