Nestled on a hill at the top of a long sloping driveway

The Berry Springs Lodge perches beneath the evening sky

Looking out over the rolling green hills to the distant darkened mountains

The silence broken by the buzz of a hummingbird at the feeder

Resting only long enough to take a long sip of the sweet nectar

Before darting off to the trees again

The clouds hang low in the sky

Reaching down to obscure the tops of the mountains

The sun descending behind us highlights the hills

A rainbow shimmers into view

Growing more vibrant with each passing minute

Reaching from the heavy clouds to the mountain tops

Too soon the rainbow begins to fade

Until it is a shadow of itself

Pastel colors fading into nothingness

The fireflies begin to rise from below

Performing a mesmerizing dance of lights at our feet

The sky fades from blue to gray to black

The day ends in a peaceful calm that embodies the spirit of the Berry Springs Lodge