They are tearing us apart

Pulling our strings and we respond like puppets

Emotions flaring with every new report

Dividing us by race, religion and political beliefs

Driving stakes deeper between us

Until we turn on our brothers and sisters

While the hidden manipulators sit

Laughing and rubbing their hands together in glee

Waiting for us to descend into total chaos

The chaos that allows them to lock us down

The chaos that destroys our way of life

The destruction that erases every memory

Memories handed down over generations

Hard fought victories and advances wiped clean from the slate

Until we are nothing but animals living in the street

Fighting for a crumb to feed our starving families

While the puppeteers are fat and satiated

Playing their deadly games in country after country

Perhaps the next country will see it before it is too late

As Barry McGuire warned us decades ago

Our country sits on the brink

It is the “Eve of Destruction”