The house is quiet and empty now
There are no more little squeaky meows
No more ting-ting-ting as you test the water bowl with your paw before drinking
No more purrs when your chin is scratched

I think back to that first time I saw you
A little ball of fur that hissed as soon as I picked you up
“This one’s spunky” I thought
And oh so pretty with the long blonde and white fur
You climbed up on my shoulder and snuggled under my chin while continuing to hiss

You were my little hissy girl throughout the almost 18 years of your life
Hissing was your way of telling me you were scared or angry or startled

I remember the first night you had free roam of the house
I woke up in bed to a loud purr that seemed to be coming from above my head
There you were all curled up on my pillow
A little fur ball with a very loud purr

How many nights did I wake up to you licking my nose or an eye lid
Or gently touching my face with your soft furry paw

When I brought you home, I struggled to pick a name that suited you
I searched until I found just the right name
Ariela – the Hebrew name for “Lioness of God”
With your lion’s mane and ferociously funny hiss the name fit well
I shortened it to Ariel because it was too long of a name for such a little kitty
But you were always my little lioness

You were a carnivore and wanted whatever meat I was eating
Chicken, fish, beef, pork and especially bacon
You would sit beside me
Stand up onto your hind legs
And pat my arm until I gave you a few morsels of my food

As a kitten, you would amuse everyone by standing straight up on your hind legs and looking around
So much like a prairie dog peering around

How many times did I ask you to “Show me your belly”
You would roll over and I’d give you belly rubs
You were always so fond of men
They didn’t have to ask you to roll over
You would walk up to any guy who was visiting and roll over, belly up, begging for tummy rubs

Your favorite toy was the laser pointer
You would chase it until you couldn’t run anymore
Our favorite morning activity was chasing the laser pointer up and down the hallway
Resting in the bedroom to catch your breath as you got older
And then sprinting off again to catch the elusive little red dot

To the end, you were my needy kitty
Pawing the air to say you wanted someone to touch you
To pet you
To give you affection

Fluffernutter – Toddler – Squeaker – Hissy Girl
All these names so fitting for my beautiful Ariel
My Lioness of God

You brightened my life for so many years
And now you are gone forever
I will miss you my baby girl