My beautiful Chi Chi’s last chapter has been written.

There will be no new Chi Chi stories to tell.

The long, tall, sleek, black and white tuxedo cat lives no more.

Chi Chi with the little white beauty spot on her upper lip, the only white on an otherwise all black face.

Her four little paws varied from a few white toes to full white socks on her long black legs.

My Big Girl who was longer and taller than any other cat I’ve ever shared my life with.

My Chi Chi who loved to go on walk-about around the house every chance she got.

The cat who loved to lay and sleep in the sun on the deck.

The only cat who brought a live mouse to bed while I was asleep in the bed!

Oh, Chi Chi!

I can still hear the little bell on the pole with a feather attached – ting-ting-ting as you drag it up the stairs.

And your excited little meow the first time you brought me a leaf you found on the deck.

I will miss the way you claimed every new box as your own.

The bay window will be empty where you used to sleep as the sun warmed your fur.

I loved you for eighteen years.

You were my companion through the good times and the bad times.

And now you are no more.

Sleep well my Big Girl.

Your last chapter has been written, but your stories will live on in my heart.