We had so little free time during our workshop in Italy. Between the workshops, the excursions, and the incredible meals, we were a very active group. So finding an afternoon free was a welcome respite.

The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze. My housemate, Linda, and I sat out in the sun for a while. Linda went in to take a nap and I decided to go in to do some writing. I heard a noise outside the door and there was Lara, one of the cats of CieloGreco, at the door trying to get in. I put my computer aside and went back outside, where Lara lured me over to a lounge chair.

As I was trying to sit down on the chair, Lara  hopped up on the chair and was climbing into my lap before I could even sit down. I got situated with Lara not giving an inch. Once I was laying in the lounge chair, Lara curled up on my belly and fell asleep purring happily. It was a little chilly since the sun had passed to the other side of the house and I was sitting in the shade with a slight breeze blowing. But Lara was content, and I was not going to disturb her.

Dina came out and she willing took a photo of Lara and I on the chair. We sat that way for quite a long time. I finally had to go in as it was getting too cold. Lara slowly gave up her perch and I went inside.

I heard Zach and Iris outside and as soon as I walked out, Lara was back in the chair wanting me to join her. Being the softie I am, I sat a few minutes more with Lara.