After 17 years of marriage, I found myself divorced. It was my idea to divorce. But I had never really been on my own. Did living alone mean I had to be lonely? I started watching TV to escape the loneliness. Everything I watched proclaimed doom and gloom. I was in the depression stage of the grief cycle and the TV was taking me further down a rabbit hole of misery. I had already gone through a divorce recovery workshop and counseling. What to do now?

I know! Change my thinking by changing the inputs to my mind. You know – garbage in, garbage out, right? That’s what we always said about computers! Isn’t my mind like a computer?

I changed the channel to more uplifting shows. I started reading again. Reading was always my escape, my teacher, my calm place. Changing the channel on the TV allowed me to change the channel in my head. Positive inputs equaled positive thoughts.

Today, our world is in such upheaval. The media have us all in a frenzy. What should we do? I choose to limit my exposure to the constant barrage of negativity. I choose to talk to real people. Good people. People who have been there for me. Living my life. Reading. Writing. Dancing.

The World will be crazy with or without my participation. Let them be crazy without me. Today and every day, I choose to see the beauty in the world. Today, I choose optimism. Today, I choose joy.